Many thanks to all the sponsors who dontated £100 to sponsor a player this season, if you would like to sponsor a player please email for further details.
Player | Sponsor |
Andy Barlow | Former Boston HC |
Ben Carr | Former Boston HC |
Brendan Morris | Howard Morris |
Caz Chester-O’Neill | Former Boston HC |
Charlotte Maplethorpe | Louise Maplethorpe |
Charlotte Morris | Anna Kingman |
Christina Dewing | Rick Lowe |
Dave Burrell | Anonymous |
Donna Chester-O’neill | Anonymous |
George Halgarth | Anonymous |
Georgina Maplethorpe | Louise Maplethorpe |
Ian Ceaser | Former Boston HC |
Jess Ball | Anonymous |
Joan Lavery | Louise Maplethorpe |
Josh Rowbottom | Joe Doolan |
Karen Louise Timby | Mike Doolan |
Kate Beeson | Former Boston HC |
Kelly Tomlinson | Former Boston HC |
Laura Panton | Former Boston HC |
Lauren Spenceley | David Spenceley |
Lisa Ceaser | Former Boston HC |
Lucy Simpson | Pacific Empire Foods |
Matthew Peach | Andrew Peach |
Nina Halgarth | Anonymous |
Robert Dalton | Dalton Family |
Ryan-Nathan Davy | Former Boston HC |
Sally Pilgrim | Matthew Pilgrim |
Sam Howitt | Dalton Family |
Shaun Dewing | Mia & Olivia Dewing |
Stuart Cunningham | Mel Rowbottom |
Tim Ames | Anonymous |
Tom Amess | Anonymous |
Tom Ball | Anonymous |
Tom Davy | Former Boston HC |
Tom Everton | BRT Group |