Click on our justgiving page to make a donation

Sponsor a Player

If you would like to sponsor a player for this season please donate £100 to the justgiving page or send a cheque payable to Spaldng Hockey club with your player,  you can name a specific player or just say I’d like to sponsor a player. All £100 donations received in October will be entered into a prize draw to win a VIP day of choice for 2 people (tickets to hockey at Lee Valley, Spa Day or Golf day).  

We are in the process of purchasing a property that can be developed into our clubhouse and we need YOU to make this dream a reality. 

Our aim is to raise £25,000 to refurbish the clubhouse and match the funding we are applying for elsewhere, so it’s essential we do this as quickly as possible. We plan to run different events each month to and would love everyone to get behind this project to make it a great success. So please do what you can and feel free to email us with any ideas for fundraising [email protected]

Fundraising Events


  • Sponsor a player
  • Buy a Square


  • Race night Saturday 19th 19:00 St Norberts School 
  • Come Dine with Me
  • Buy a Square


  • Christmas Quiz Saturday 3rd 
  • Live video events
  • Buy a Square


Buy A Square

Every Saturday there will be a chance to win £25 by purchasing a square for a £1, squares available pitch side every Saturday.